Philadelphia and Mainline Center of Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery

I'm a very hairy female. My body has hair bumps all over the place. Is there anything i can do about this?

[2009-08-26 10:14:59 - Dominique Bryant from Philadelphia]: I'm a very hairy female. My body has hair bumps all over the place. Is there anything i can do about this?
[2009-10-13 21:01:54 - Dr. Ringpfeil]: Hair bumps (pseudofolliculitis) are caused by coarse, terminal hair. This type of hair is typically found in the beard area of men and in the genital area of both genders. In some women, excessive hair growth can lead to terminal hair on other body parts. Pseudofolliculitis can occur spontaneously but more frequently it is associated with shaving. If a hormonal abnormality leads to excessive hair growth in a woman, medical treatment should be started at time of any hair removal method. The best method for permanent hair removal of large areas is laser hair reduction. It may not remove 100% of your hair but after several sessions any remaining hair is so fine that pseudofolliculitis does not occur anymore.

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