Overview: The Gloss peel is a superficial chemical peel designed to refresh stressed skin with a unique synthesis of cell turn-over enhancers and Vitamin A. The Gloss peel will help to restore your youthful glow with minimal effort by using pain-free TCA. The Gloss peel is applied during an office visit, and there is no pain and little-to-no irritation during the application.
The peel is complemented with a take-home product, Melanage 2 cream, a combination of tretinoin and hydroquinone, tailored to maximize the results of your treatment.
Expected results: The results will vary, but generally patients will see smoother skin texture, reduction of fine lines, wrinkles, and brown spots. Your skin will restore a polished, more youthful appearance. Each treatment can be performed no sooner than 6 months, no more than two treatments per year is recommended.
Preparations: One week before the treatment, we ask you to refrain from electrolysis, waxing, sunless tanning, spray tanning, or UV free tanning, depilatory creams, laser hair removal treatments, cosmetic facials, Botox, Retin-A, Renova, Differin, Tazorac, Avage, retinols, alpha hydroxyl acids, beta hydroxyl acids, benzoyl peroxide, or any other exfoliating products that may be drying or irritating.
Post treatment instructions: It is imperative that you use a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 and avoid direct sunlight for at least 1 week. Best results will be obtained with regular daily use of such sunscreen. No strenuous exercise for the next 24-48 hours after the peel. Wait until the peeling is complete before having any other facial procedures including facials, microdermabrasion, laser treatments, laser hair removal, Botox, or injectable fillers.
Downtime: Possible peeling and redness could occur for up to 2-5 days.
Price: $300/treatment
Contraindications: Patients with active cold sores or warts, skin with open wounds, sunburn, excessively sensitive skin, dermatitis or inflammatory rosacea, history of herpes simplex, pregnant or breast feeding (lactating) women, patients currently receiving chemotherapy or radiation, patients who have been on Accutane within the past year